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List of Rules for the game "Nomic"


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Offline Stefan

List of Rules for the game "Nomic"
« on: October 18, 2008, 05:01:52 pm »
A game of nomic is currently going on in #tscnomic. The rules are as follow:

0. Only the administrator is to, at any point, have an Administrator, Operator, Half-operator, or Voice status in #tscnomic. The channel should be set to +N at all times.

1. All players must abide by the rules. Failure to abide by the rules will result in disciplinary action as follows:
a.) first offense towards a specific rule: notification that a rule has been violated
b.) second offense towards the same rule: kicking from the channel #tscnomic
c.) third offense towards the same rule: ban from the channel #tscnomic

Disciplinary action is to be executed by the channel's administrator, who at this point in time is Stefan. The only terms in which the administrator can kick or ban from #tscnomic is in the event of a rule violation, and only at the designated offense frequency.

Anything not directly prohibited by the rules cannot be punished for.

2. Except for Sonic, any player in the game may propose a rule change. Examples of rule changes are new rule proposals, rule deletions, or rule amendments. If there are less than 3 people who are not idle, no proposals can be made.

3. If a proposed rule change reaches a majority vote (51%), it will become enacted on the next player's turn.

4. In order to win the game, a player must obtain one hundred points.

5. Once during each player's turn, that player may roll a single six sided die using CodeGirl's dice roll function (typing '!1d6' in #tscnomic). The player's Position is then increased by the value of the roll, and if it's greater than the highest-numbered space on the Game Board, is immediately decreased by the value of the highest-numbered space on the Game Board.

6. A player may propose one rule change during his/her turn. During no other turn can a player propose a rule change. One is not required to propose during his turn. In addition to a rule change, a player can propose one of the following each turn: a revision to the players list, a motion to adjourn, and a revision to a pre-existing rule.

A motion to adjourn requires at least 66% approval on non-Idle players; if the game is adjourned, a motion to unadjourn is successful with the agreement of 3 other players.

A player's motion to remove emself from the player list is automatically successful.

 A player may repropose a proposal during his turn if it is necessary to get a majority vote.

7. Turns must follow a mandated order. The first turn will be taken by the person at the top of the "userlist" in #tscnomic. Turns will then follow in a descending order. Once the bottom of the userlist has been reached, the turn returns to the first user.

8. Any alternate account of a pre-existing player does not get a turn. This includes "CodeGirl". Alternate accounts also do not receive the ability to vote on proposals. A nick change is classified as an alternate account.

The current list of players is Stefan,  Bertin, flyby, genus, miles, and Tails.

9. A new player may join the game at any time and have his/her name added to the preceding list.

10. There exists a Game Board, comprised of 40 spaces numbered sequentially using the 40 smallest distinct positive integers. There exists an attribute of each player called Position; legal values for Position are precisely the set of space numbers on the Game Board. Upon the passage of this proposal, each player's Position becomes 1. Whenever anything is added to the game as a player, its Position becomes 1.

Square #11 on the Game Board is also known as 'Jail'. Square #31 on the Game Board is also known as 'Go to Jail'. A player whose Position is 31 has their Position immediately set to 11, and can't roll dice until a proposal offered by that player is ratified.

If you pass the highest-numbered space on the board, you gain 10 points.

 Every fifth space should be designated an exchange station. At an exchange station, one can trade his rings or flowers for points. The trade ratio at an exchange station is 1 flower to every point and 3 rings to every point.

11. If any player goes 10 minutes without speaking in the #tscnomic channel, they will be considered "Idle". Whenever a Proposal is proposed, an Idle player's vote will default to Abstain. When an Idle player's turn would come up, the next non-Idle player following them rolls a 4-sided die in their place and applies that die's effect. If a player reaches Idle status during his or her own turn, he may not make any proposals and turns progress to the next non-Idle player's turn. If an Idle player speaks within #tscnomic, that player is no longer Idle.

12. Any player leaving the game can choose to bestow the points they currently have onto a different player as a replacement.

13. Any non-Idle players may trade points and other game objects freely between them under whatever terms are agreeable to all players involved.

14. Each player receives 2 nonrenewable vetos.

15. Flowers are a tscnomic currency. At the end of each player's turn, if a proposal was ratified that turn, that player receives 1 flower.

16. Once this proposal is accepted, every non-Idle player will roll a six-sided die. The highest roll will get the title of "Sonic". In the event of a tie, all tied players will roll again until a single winner can be determined. The title of "Sonic" will remain on this player until another player rolls a six. Once a player rolls a six, he/she gets the title of "Sonic".  A player with the title of "Sonic" gains 2 rings every time he lands on an even space on the board, but is unable to make proposals.

17. In the event of a dispute, a majority vote among the players will rule in favor of one of the involved parties
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 10:54:14 am by Stefan »

Offline General Throatstomper

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Re: List of Rules for the game "Nomic"
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2008, 05:06:40 pm »
I object to turns being decided based on who is on the top of the userlist for obvious reasons...otherwise, the rules sound good.


Offline Stefan

Re: List of Rules for the game "Nomic"
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2008, 11:34:30 pm »
This post contains various units/conditions for each player.

Points: stefan - 9, flyby - 5, bertin - 5, genus - 9, miles - 3, tails - 6
Position: bertin - 12, stefan - 15, flyby - 8, genus - 9, Tails - 11, miles - 9
flowers: , stefan - 1, flyby - 1, miles - 1
Sonic: Tails
used vetos:
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 10:53:12 am by Stefan »


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